sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

Birding trip whit the locals

The Azores does not have a long birding history and just verry recently the activity is increasing together whit the local population. I,m verry happy to see a new generation of young people getting intrested in birdwatching and was more than happy to get invited by one of this promising youngsters Carolina Ferraz organizing a workshop for Expolab in Lagoa.

 Some month ago I did the theoretic part and now it was time to go to the field.First meeting point was the bridge between Lagoa Azul and Lagoa Verde. The long staying Piel Billed Grebe, two Tuffed Ducks and a Greather Scaup was opening the score.

Ruben and Carolina, two promesing birders for the future.

We went on search for a Pintail male (did not find it)  and some local subespecies before driving up to my favorite spot Caldeira dos Alferes.

An nice cocktail of Ducks was entertaining us. Biggest suprise. Two female American Wigeons hiding out between a exepcional flock of 27 Eurasians. Together whit a female pintail and 22 Comon Teals Caldeira dos Alferes proofed again being one of the best Duck spots on the Azores.

Two American females hiding in a flock of Eurasian Wigeons

Down to Mosteiros. The big western waves from the last week had flushed away the most waders but a Turnstone was taking a nice bath in front of us on the only sunlight we had during the day.

We went on to do some seawatching, a unknowend thing for most of the people in the group and while I was looking in between of  hundreds of Cory Shearwaters fishing behind the Islands after a verry much wished Gannet for young birder Ruben Coelho he screamed out that he found a raptor sitting on one of the Islets. It was the adult Peregrine Falcon I have seen this winter on Mosteiros for several times. The light conditions where terrible and finding a falcon in this conditions showed again that Ruben  is not here to play around. If anybody stil had some doubts about his nature talent it all disapeared after he found his long wished Gannet all by himself. After all there is hope for the future. 

Time for the group picture. A little mistake whit the automatic shutter on Carolinas car wich was serving as a tripod, brought us a image of a verry weird Dutch vagrant. 

After all I had a great time. Hope to do it again soon.

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